Manuals for SPEA and DIAMOND Products

Manuals for most current products:

docm3d_1.exe (655 kB) Monster 3D documentation: Rel. 1296 (ENG, GER) in HTML format. SFX file.
doccr2de.exe (673 kB) DIAMOND VIDEO CRUNCH IT 2000 documentation: Rel. 0197 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file.
docgl1de.exe (227 kB) DIAMOND FIRE GL 1000 documentation: Rel. 1196 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file.
docglxde.exe (225 kB) DIAMOND FIRE GL 2000/3000 documentation: Rel. 1096 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file.
doc3d2de.exe (239 kB) DIAMOND STEALTH 3D 2000 documentation: Rel. 1096 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file.
doc3d3de.exe (113 kB) DIAMOND STEALTH 3D 3000 documentation: Rel. 0996 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file.
docs25de.exe (127 kB) DIAMOND STEALTH VIDEO 2500 documentation: Rel. 0996 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file.

Manuals for other products:

docfglde.exe (277 kB) SPEA FIRE GL documentation: Rel. 1295 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file.
docmtvde.exe (335 kB) MIRAGE VIDEO TV documentation: Rel. 0296 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file.
docmvdde.exe (266 kB) MIRAGE VIDEO documentation: Rel. 0296 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file.
docmivde.exe (266 kB) MIRAGE P-64 V documentation: Rel. 0296 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file.
merp64v.exe (259 kB) Rel. 0695 (ENG, GER) manuals for V7-MERCURY P-64V in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!
mer_p64.exe (204 kB) Rel. 0395 (ENG, GER) manuals for V7-MERCURY P-64 in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!
mir_p64.exe (222 kB) Rel. 0795.6 (ENG, GER) manuals for V7-MIRAGE P-64 (Trio64) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!
mir_p32.exe (185 kB) Rel. 0795.3 (ENG, GER) manuals for V7-MIRAGE P-32 (Trio32) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!
mirage.exe (390 kB) Rel. 1294.4 (ENG, GER, FRA, SPA) manuals for V7-MIRAGE ISA, VL in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!
showtv_d.exe (559 kB) Rel. 1195 (GER) manual for SPEA SHOWTIME PLUS TV in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file
showtime.exe (499 kB) Rel. 0295.5 (ENG, GER) manuals for SPEA SHOWTIME PLUS in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!
XTC.exe (233 kB) Rel. 0895 (ENG, GER) manuals for SPEA MEDIA XTC in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter name to unpack!
crunchit.exe (414 kB) Rel. 0695 (ENG, GER) manuals for SPEA CRUNCH IT in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!
playit.exe (555 kB) Rel. 0695 (ENG, GER) manuals for SPEA PLAY IT in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!

vegavid.exe (189 kB) Rel. 0395 (ENG, GER) manuals for V7-VEGA VIDEO in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!
vegapro.exe (286 kB) Rel. 1294.3 (ENG, GER, FRA, SPA) manuals for V7-VEGA PRO in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!
stormpro.exe (223 kB) Rel. 0795.3 (ENG, GER) manuals for V7-STORM PRO in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!

Additional Manuals for drivers:

docbfde.exe (607 kB) BigFocus Manual. Rel. 0795.3 (ENG, GER) in WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file - enter file name to unpack!
aquila.doc (37 kB) Manuals for S3 Aquilla drivers for ADIREND application (ACAD, 3DS,..).

Manuals for programmers tools:

spdrdok.exe (156 kB) GERMAN manual to SPDRIVER Development Toolkit v2.01 PRINT file in POSTSCRIPT format. Self-extracting file: Enter "SPDRDOK".
spdrdoc.exe (152 kB) ENGLISH manual to SPDRIVER Development Toolkit v2.01. PRINT file in POSTSCRIPT format. Self-extracting file. Enter "SPDRDOC".
sp3ddoku.exe (860 kB) New ENGLISH Manual to SPEA SP3D Toolkit v5.2 as PRINT file in POSTSCRIPT format. SFX file. Enter: "SP3DDOKU". Note created README!

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Copyright: © 1997 SPEA a DIAMOND Multimedia Company, Moosstraße 18 b, D-82319 Starnberg, Germany
All rights reserved.